
  • Introduction SAS PC and SAS EG
  • My first programming in SAS using Cards and Datalines
  • Nomenclatures in SAS Vs SQL
  • Criteria to be followed for creating dataset name, variable name and variable values
  • SAS Library and the criteria to be followed to create this
  • How to see Descriptor and Data portion of a dataset and library
  • SAS Programming steps Data Step and Proc Step
  • Exercise


  • How to Import and Export data from csv, excel and accdb
  • How to read data from text file to create dataset
  • How to export sas dataset to a text file using file statement
  • How to connect sas different database server
  • How to create dataset from an existing dataset
  • Exercise


  • List report
  • Proc sort procedure
  • Enhancing output using ODS
  • Use of where statement
  • Use of if then statement
  • User defined format vs system defined format
  • Exercise

Day 2 and 3


  • SAS Joining
    • Appending dataset
    • Merging dataset
  • SAS Merge Vs SAS SQL Join
  • How to create multiple dataset from one dataset
  • SAS Update statement
  • SAS Compare statement
  • Exercise


  • How to transpose dataset from row to column and column to rows
  • Retain statement
  • Difference between sum and addition
  • Use of first. and last.
  • SAS Function (Character, Numeric and Datetime)
  • Exercise


  • SAS Loops and Arrays
  • SAS Summary Report (Proc Means, Proc Freq, Prod Report, Proc Tabulate, Proc Univariate, Proc Survey etc)
  • SAS Graphs
  • Exercise

Day 4


  • Introduction to SAS SQL
  • Retrieving data using
      • Select statement
      • Where statement
      • Group by statement
      • Order by statement
  • Having clause
  • SAS SQL Options
  • How to create a new table from an existing table
  • Altering table, creating index and views
  • Use of case and when statement
  • Update query, Updating a Table with Values from Another Table
  • Delete query
  • Appending Table
  • SAS SQL Join, Except and Intersect
  • SAS SQL advanced sub-queries by examples
  • Creating macro variable using sas sql

Day 5


  • Introduction to Macro Facility
  • Creating my first macro using parameters
  • Understand the concept of macro statement, options and functions
  • Creating Macro Variable using %Let, Keyword and Positional parameters, Call symput
  • Macro debugging options
  • Conditional macro statement
  • %if %then
  • %do %end
  • Macro Expressions
  • Macro Quoting
  • Macro Functions
  • Storing and using of Macros
  • Exercise
  • Introduction to Macro Facility
  • Creating my first macro using parameters
  • Understand the concept of macro statement, options and functions
  • Creating Macro Variable using %Let, Keyword and Positional parameters, Call symput
  • Macro debugging options
  • Conditional macro statement
    • %if %then
    • %do %end
  • Macro Expressions
  • Macro Quoting
  • Macro Functions
  • Storing and using of Macros
  • Exercise


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